Looking for help logging in? Start here!

  • If your email address is already on file with MTA, an account on this site has already been created for you using the same email and password as the MTA website. Click the login button above to get started and enter your email address and password used on the MTA website.
  • If you are an MTA member and received a "Welcome" email but have not yet set a password or logged in, click here and enter your email address (where you receive emails from MTA) then click Reset Password to have an email sent that will allow you to set your personalized password for accessing all the MTA websites.  
  • If you are a non-member or a new MTA member and need an account set up for the first time, please contact (517) 321-6467 or email database@michigantownships.org.
  • For answers to additional "Frequently Asked Questions" see below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions, answered!

What is an MTA webcast?
MTA webcasts are designed to offer online learning options to township officials who are unable to travel to MTA educational events due to distance, cost and/or schedule conflicts. Our goal is to maximize learning opportunities for township officials throughout Michigan. MTA webcasts provide a convenient, affordable continuing education option for busy officials, who can now take advantage of educational programs right in the comfort and convenience of their township hall, office, local library or even at home!  The length of the webcasts vary; check each individual course for run times. Longer workshops are typically be broken up into segments of 60-90 minutes each. Continuing education credits may be offered for certain webcasts or packages; each event description will include details if credits are available. For more information, contact the MTA Education Center at (517) 321-6467 or e-mail education@michigantownships.org.

How does a webcast work?
MTA's webcasts are recorded classes taught by MTA staff and other experts in fields related to township governance. Most are "on-demand" which means you can view the content from any location with high-speed internet, at any time that's convenient for you! Some webcasts may also include a live Q&A or another live component; typically live components are also recorded and posted later for those unable to attend at that specific date/time.

NOTE: MTA webcasts CANNOT be downloaded or provided in hard copy format (i.e. via CD or flash drive), and can only be viewed as streaming videos, similar to YouTube.

To view a webcast you've purchased or have access to via your township's MTA Online subscription, simply login and navigate to MY WEBCASTS. Then, use the search feature or click the pagination buttons to locate the course you wish to view, then click then name of the webcast. Select the segment you want to watch, then click the "View On-Demand Recording" button. Don't forget to download any related materials on the "Handouts" tab before beginning. 

If you’re planning to participate in a webcast, first test your computer and Internet connectivity to verify that the system will work properly for you. Depending on the results, you may be required to download a program or update your software to ensure complete functionality; click here to test your system. 

NOTE: The Apple Safari browser and Chrome browser may NOT support the plug-in needed to view some of MTA's older webcasts. Should you experience issues with the video not loading, try a different browser, such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox, and ensure your browser is fully updated before viewing. You may also need to change security settings to "allow" video and audio playback, or to allow insecure content. If you experience these issues, please contact MTA for assistance.

Where do I find the date/time for each webcast?
Good news -- MTA's webcasts are nearly all pre-recorded sessions, so they are what we call "on-demand", meaning you can view them at any time or date that works for you. If any live components are offered, look for details on the brochure or in your event confirmation email.

What is the cost?
Rates vary depending on the topic and length of each webcast or series. Some informational webcasts are available at no charge, while educational webcasts typically have a fee associated with them. Subscription packages offer a great value, allowing year-long access for your entire township. Learn more about the different MTA Online subscription levels here. NOTE: Refunds are not available on webcasts once the user has begun to view the content.

How do I register?
To register via credit card, you must first log-in to the website. Your login for this website is the same as your login to the MTA-member site. See our Getting Started page for further help logging in. Once logged in, simply add the webcasts you wish to purchase to your cart, enter any discount code(s) you may have, then proceed to checkout and enter your credit card information in the secure processing site. A confirmation email will be sent immediately upon completion with link(s) to your webcast(s), or simply click on MY WEBCASTS to start watching right away.
To register by check, add the webcasts you wish to purchase to your online cart. Proceed to checkout and apply any discounts, then print your cart details with the total due, and mail the printout along with payment to:  Michigan Townships Association, P.O. Box 90078, Lansing, MI 48908. Please allow 5-7 business days from receipt of payment for processing; a confirmation email will be sent to the email provided for each registrant when registration is complete.

Can I purchase a webcast for someone else at my township?
Yes! First, be sure you know the email address of the user you wish to register. Then, login under your own account and add the webcast(s) to your cart. In the cart, click on the gray "Change" Button under each registrant name and search by email address. Once the correct user is found, click "Change User" to choose that individual as the webcast registrant. You may also use the green "Add a Registration for Another User" button to register more than one individual for the same webcast.

I purchased for the wrong person. Can I transfer a webcast to someone else at my township?
Yes! However, there are a few limitations. First, the webcast cannot be viewed before it is transferred. Once it is viewed, we are unable to transfer it to another account. Second, the individual must be from the same township. And third, each webcast may only be transferred one time. Please contact education@michigantownships.org or call 517-321-6467 to request a transfer. 

My township is an MTA member, but I can't log in, or I can only see non-member prices. How do I login/get member prices?
You must have an account in our member database to login and make purchases. Member status will be verified when a new account is created. To have a new account created, please contact (517) 321-6467 or email  database@michigantownships.org.

System Requirements
For help with System Requirements, visit our Getting Started page.
