A Leader Worth Following
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The world is starving for leaders who make a difference—those willing to step up to implement positive change and who are worthy of following. Randy Fox, MTA's 2023 Conference keynote speaker, will explain various ways of approaching problems that allow people to come together, set aside misunderstandings, and utilize their own individual gifts to manage issues with vision and unity.

Randy Fox
MTA 2023 Conference Keynoter
Randy Fox, MTA's 2023 Conference Keynote Speaker, is an award-winning speaker, accomplished NCAA basketball official & proven corporate leader. As a professional speaker and Founder of FoxPoint, Randy uses his experience and energy to engage audiences and transform their leadership. Randy is a professional member of the National Speakers Association, the author of several books on leadership, the Coordinator of Officials for the Midwest Conference for NCAA Basketball Referees, and a former Managing Director, Director of Marketing, Vice President of Operations, and Plant Manager.