B-103: Creating a Vision For Your Township (3-part series; valid for 4 credits)
- Non-member - $160
- Member - $120
Identifying core community values and expectations is a critical component in serving your community. This three-part webcast offers strategies for evaluating township programs and services, and explores the need for innovation and change. By examining both adversity and opportunities, you can identify how to balance short-term issues with a long-term vision. Rekindle your township’s mission by examining your community’s past, present and future.
This webcast includes three segments, which can be viewed separately for your convenience. TGA candidates must view ALL segments and complete a PAC form as well as the course quiz (after part 3) to receive credit.
**MTA Online Premium Pass subscribers: This webcast is already part of your subscription. To access, click MY WEBCASTS, then click the Premium Package link to view this webcast, or to access other webcasts included in your package.

Susan Radwan
Susan Radwan, CAE, Leading Edge Mentoring, Grand Ledge
Susan is a governance and leadership consultant who focuses on facilitating an authentic leadership process, resulting in accountability in leadership and governance. She is a regular presenter at MTA functions and served as the primary consultant for the development of the Township Governance Academy.