Cemetery Management (3-part series)

Recorded On: 05/22/2020

This three-part series covers many of the top concerns related to township cemeteries. Part 1 kicks off with recent changes, what's new, and trends for the future. Part 2 explains why, without a cemetery ordinance, rules and regulations do not have the force of law and anyone who violates such rules or regulations cannot be prosecuted or subject to a municipal civil infraction enforcement proceeding. Learn how to develop a cemetery ordinance to promote orderliness, proper conduct, certainty, predictability, smooth procedures and minimize township liability with regard to township cemeteries. Part 3 explores all the new types of burial services and memorialization options available in the current market and how your cemetery ordinance may need to be updated to regulate these new options. Learn how to identify grave sites, ensure proper record keeping and reclaim older or abandoned burial spaces.

Cindy Dodge (Moderator)

MTA Consultant

Cindy Dodge joined MTA in 2006 as a Member Information Liaison, hailing from Williamstown Township in Ingham County where she served as Clerk since 2005. She had been involved with the township since 2003 in other roles, including assistant to the supervisor, planning commissioner, and assistant to the planning commission. She is currently a Michigan Certified Assessing Officer. Now an MTA Consultant, Cindy provides township officials and employees with information and resources via phone and email regarding the day-to-day functions of township government. She also assist in developing resource materials, and presents workshop and Conference sessions as well as teaching live and recorded webinar courses.

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