F-105: Fundamentals of Assessment and Taxation (2-part series; valid for 4 credits)
- Non-member - $160
- Member - $120
Property taxation and assessment administration are two cornerstones of township operations. From assessment and board of review meetings, all the way to tax collection— it's essential that board members have an understanding of how the process works. Learn more about the Headlee Amendment and Proposal A, as well as truth in taxation, assessing and equalization. Delve into a variety of revenue sources coming into the township, including millages, administrative fees and special assessments.
This course is divided into two webcasts segments. To receive TGA credit, candidates must view both webcasts segments, complete and pass the post-webcast quiz, and complete and return a Practical Application Commitment (PAC) form (download here) to MTA.

Shila Kiander, MAAO
Director, Mecosta County Equalization Department
Shila Kiander is a Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer with more than 20 years’ experience in the assessment administration field. She’s served as the Equalization Director for Mecosta County since 2007, and before that was the assessor for three units in northern Kent County. She also teaches assessor continuing education courses around the state, including the MTA Board of Review Training sessions and other courses for MTA.