Financing & Hot Topics in Township Fire Departments
- Non-member - $110
- Member - $75
Providing emergency and fire protection services for your community may be one of the more complicated—and expensive—services your township provides. This class can help board members and fire officials get a handle on financial emergencies in your township fire department. We’ll examine funding and cost recovery, provide insights into joint authorities and review must haves for your fire ordinance. You’ll walk away armed with a better understanding of the legalities and financials that can help turn down the heat on some of the hot issues facing your fire department.

Steve Mann
Miller Canfield
Steve Mann is an attorney with Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, PLC. He practices in the area of municipal finance, including municipal bonds, special assessments, tax increment finance, economic development, Brownfield redevelopment, and intergovernmental transactions.
Steve currently serves his community as a trustee for Plymouth Charter Township in Wayne County and previously served a term as township supervisor.

Seth Koches
Bauckham, Thall, Seeber, Kaufman & Koches, PC
Seth Koches is an attorney and Partner at Bauckham, Thall, Seeber, Kaufman & Koches, P.C. Prior to joining the firm, Seth worked as an assistant prosecuting attorney for 7 years in the Oakland County and Kalamazoo County Prosecutor’s office prosecuting cases from simple retail fraud to criminal sexual conduct and assault with intent to murder. Seth’s primary practice encompasses nearly every aspect of municipal law including annexation, ordinance enforcement, planning and zoning, and amicus writing.