Now You Know - Prudent Policies
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Now You Know: Prudent Policies
Were you handed a nice set of township policies when you began your career as a township official? Is your township prepared to provide them to incoming officials?
Most people serve their township because they want to give back to their community. One of the best ways to do that is to leave the township better than you found it by setting up future leaders for success. Clearly defined township policies ensure incoming officials understand how (and why!) things work the way they do. What better way to leave a legacy in your township than establishing effective policies and procedures.
In this one-hour webinar, MTA’s Member Information Services Director Mike Selden offers insights into township policies from what’s most important to the true value in providing them for incoming officials, whenever the transition may be.
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Michael Selden
Director of Member Information Services
Michael Selden is MTA's director of Member Information Services. As director, he supervises the development and delivery of Association member information programs and services.
Before joining MTA in November 2015, Selden served as the city manager of Wayland, Mich., for three years. In that role, he prepared and managed the city budget, supervised 22 employees, oversaw multiple city departments and served as liaison to numerous boards and commissions. Selden also served as the city manager of Bangor, Mich., from 2007-2012. He holds a master’s in public administration from the University of Michigan—Flint, where he also earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.
MTA has the resources you need to succeed
Ready for the next step on your learning journey? MTA offers numerous books on a wide variety of topics, including guides for each elected office, civil infractions, planning and zoning, special assessments, fire departments, budgeting and authorities of Michigan township officials. Let MTA resources help you effectively and efficiently fulfill your duties—you can trust MTA publications to keep you up-to-date and on top of the information you need to best serve your township.
Visit the MTA Bookstore online now or download a publication order form here!
Recommended Reading
Authorities & Responsibilities of Michigan Townships
Known as MTA's "little red book," this primer for township board members and officials includes terms of office, vacancy, recall, meeting notices, minutes, elections, ordinance publication, investments and tax collections, in addition to the statutory duties of each elected official and township boards and commissions.
Introduction to Township Board Meetings
All township board members are "local legislators," and have important roles to carry out at board meetings. This publication is a handy reference to some of the most common questions or issues that arise in scheduling, conducting and participating in township board meetings.
Policy Matters! Using Board & Administrative Policies to Manage Your Township
In this hands-on book, township board members and staff will find sample policies, practical commentaries and expert tips to get your township started using a policy approach to board governance, ethics, financial procedures and controls, office and facility administration, personnel issues, purchasing, public information, records, using technology and minimizing risk.