Treasurers' Guide to Tax Collection

Collecting property taxes is a highly visible function of the township treasurer’s office. It comes with significant responsibility not only for the large amount of money collected but also for compliance with the General Property Tax Act.

Whether you are newly elected, a seasoned treasurer or anything in between, you’ll find value in this course, led by MTA Consultant Cindy Dodge, which includes discussion on:
• Getting started
• Preparation of the tax bill
• Summer taxes
• Winter taxes
• Accounting for and disbursement of collections
• Settlement
• Delinquent personal property tax

You won’t want to miss this review of applicable laws, “best practices” and so much more! This workshop is also appropriate for deputy treasurers and any member of your township team who has some responsibility in the property tax collection process.

Cindy Dodge

MTA Consultant

Cindy Dodge joined MTA in 2006 as a Member Information Liaison, hailing from Williamstown Township in Ingham County where she served as Clerk since 2005. She had been involved with the township since 2003 in other roles, including assistant to the supervisor, planning commissioner, and assistant to the planning commission. She is currently a Michigan Certified Assessing Officer. Now an MTA Consultant, Cindy provides township officials and employees with information and resources via phone and email regarding the day-to-day functions of township government. She also assist in developing resource materials, and presents workshop and Conference sessions as well as teaching live and recorded webinar courses.

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