What Every Board Member Needs to Know About Assessing

What Every Board Member Needs to Know About Assessing

What Every Board Member Needs to Know About Assessing

The township board is responsible for financing and managing the assessment process. You cannot take a hands-off approach or make the mistake of assuming that the job is covered—if something goes wrong, the township board (not the assessor) will be held responsible. Don’t wait until your board is faced with the state’s audit of assessing practices, take the wheel now! 

Join MTA’s own Cindy Dodge, a Michigan Certified Assessing Officer, for an overview of the board’s role in assessing and walk away with timelines, calendars and a better understanding of who is responsible for what—and why. We’ll review assessing ethics, offer tips on how to respond to a wide variety of public inquiries and so much more!

This on-demand webinar is geared for every member of your township board, regardless their level of experience. Clerks, treasurers, trustees and supervisors should all take a few steps  regularly to ensure their township’s assessing functions are running smoothly. Not only does this give your township a better chance of passing the state’s audit, it’s a great way to build trust and confidence with your community. Learn what to do if you have concerns regarding compliance and steps you can take to check the quality of your assessing.  We’ll offer insights from both the board and assessor perspective, and explore trouble-spots from a legal and a practical standpoint. You’ll take away tips for monitoring your assessor,  along with a checklist review sheet to help ensure your assessor meets requirements.

Cindy Dodge

MTA Consultant

Cindy Dodge joined MTA in 2006 as a Member Information Liaison, hailing from Williamstown Township in Ingham County where she served as Clerk since 2005. She had been involved with the township since 2003 in other roles, including assistant to the supervisor, planning commissioner, and assistant to the planning commission. She is currently a Michigan Certified Assessing Officer. Now an MTA Consultant, Cindy provides township officials and employees with information and resources via phone and email regarding the day-to-day functions of township government. She also assist in developing resource materials, and presents workshop and Conference sessions as well as teaching live and recorded webinar courses.

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