New Officials Training Webcasts

Newly elected to township office? MTA has the training you need

When new officials come in to office or assume a new role on the township board, we know there is so much to learn. From participating on an elected board, to all those statutory duties, and just getting acclimated to township government, it can feel like a lot.

And it’s OK. Because MTA is here to help.

Ask any experienced official and they'll tell you where to turn for guidance, training and information: the Michigan Townships Association. Here’s a bit of what we have in store to help you and others at your township transition into the new term without a hitch, continuing to serve your residents and community as efficiently and positively as possible.


 Calling all new officials! Get started right with MTA's New Officials Training 

No one understands townships or your roles and responsibilities like MTA. Our unparalleled, in-depth New Officials Training helps those new to township government get up to speed on their roles and responsibilities. This intensive training, geared to ALL elected offices (and deputies!), is designed to introduce those new to the board to what they need to know as they attend their first meetings and take on administrative duties. Our experienced, incomparable Member Information Services team—Michael Selden, Catherine Mullhaupt, Cindy Dodge and Judy Bigney—will share their municipal expertise, offering accessible information and insights into the “hows and whys” of township government. Breakout sessions are targeted to each office.

Looking for the online version? You're in the right place! Click the appropriate link below for your elected office to learn more or get registered. 

Continue the learning

In addition to our live webinars where new officials can ask questions and get clarifications on their new roles, MTA also offers publication packages PERFECT for those new to township government. Our Township Basics Package includes township-specific books that provide a precise, targeted overview of each office: the latest editions of the perfect companion pieces, Authorities & Responsibilities of Michigan Townships and Official’s Guide to Township Government (specify which office you wish to receive), as well our handy Introduction Township Board Meetings.

Take it one step further with our Township Essentials Package, which rounds out any new officials’ library, with all of the books included in the “Basics” kit, PLUS The Township Guide to Planning & Zoning, Policy Matters! Using Board and Administrative Policies to Govern Your TownshipIntroduction to the Freedom of Information Act, and Building a Better Budget!

Order your Basics or Essentials book package with your New Officials Training registration and get an additional attendee discount! See registration brochure for details.

Let MTA help you get started on the right path to becoming an effective local leader in your community. Current members can purchase books online now at or call (517) 321-6467. 

New for treasurers and their deputies: Treasurers’ Guide to Tax Collecting!

MTA’s valued Treasurers’ Guide to Tax Collection course offers an overview of the tax collection process from start to finish. Highlights including everything from preparation of the tax bill through summer and winter taxes, all the way to accounting for (and disbursement of) collections. Participants will take away tips on duties, deadlines and important dates on the tax calendar. We’ll even tackle some of the more challenging aspects, including summer tax deferments, delinquent personal property tax collection methods and settlement. This is also a great educational opportunity for those seasoned treasurers looking for a refresher, or deputies getting up to speed on their duties.

New on-demand version now available -- click here for details!